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  • Copyright © 2024
  • by Neil Herber
  • VE3PUE

CSM 2019 FAQs (Archived)

LINKS: Home Page | FAQs | Maps | CP Diagrams | Downloads | Official CSM website

Why are there two radio ops at each checkpoint?

With two ops, one will be able to copy traffic while the other is out of the vehicle getting or delivering information to the CP crew. Last year we had a few occasions where the single op was away from the radio when we had traffic to pass. Plus it gives each op a chance to get out and stretch once in a while. When both are in the vehicle, one can monitor the ham bands while the other monitors the commercial rig. Bring headphones for your ham rig, the commercial rigs do NOT have headphone jacks.

What frequencies should we use?

The commercial digital radios are programmed in advance by the supplier. You only need to select the correct Ops channel/day combination. Instructions for operating the commercial rigs are provided on the "CSM 2019 Commercial Radio cheat sheet" on the Downloads page.

There is NO FORMAL NET on the ham bands and normally NO CSM TRAFFIC should be passed on the ham bands. Of course, in cases of emergency, you should use whatever method you can to pass your traffic. Net control will set up equipment to monitor local ham repeaters as back up.

While enroute to and from the checkpoint please test your 2m rig using one of the repeaters below. If you can access your ham radio gear while operating the commercial radio, keep a watch on the amateur frequencies. You may be asked to relay traffic to net control or you may hear a request for the commercial radio tech to attend a location to fix a problem.

For Saturday (Mont Tremblant to Montebello) you could use:

  • VE2RBH, 145.41, neg offset, CTCSS 123.0
  • VE2CRA, 146.94, neg offset, CTCSS 100.0

For Sunday (Montebello to Lachute) you could use:

  • VE2RM, 147.00, neg offset, CTCSS 103.5

For local simplex comms please use:

  • 147.57, no offset or tone
  • CP staff may use FRS radios

If there are no barcodes, does that mean no more hourly total reporting?

Skier ins and outs from a checkpoint are automatically recorded by mats that read the skier "chips" as the wearer passes over them. The data is transmitted via cellphone to a central database that keeps real-time totals. Anyone with internet access can go to to query the progress of a specific skier by name or bib number. (The Zone4 CSM2019 pages were closed after the event.) There are Zone4 administrative pages that allow authorized individuals to see aggregate numbers for each CP. Net control will have access to the aggregate numbers so they can report them to CPs that do not have internet access.

This system ONLY reports which section skiers are in, and who completed each section. The chips DO NOT provide the exact location of a skier.

Are the maps, checkpoint diagrams, and assignments final?

No. For a variety of reasons - not the least of which is weather - maps, CP locations, and assignments can all change before the event.

Assignments for help at road crossings will be made on the actual event days. The assignments will depend on weather, trail conditions, and traffic conditions. If you are willing to help with road crossings, please be sure to download the road crossing list (Excel) and appropriate trail maps.

Are meals and sleeping accommodations provided?

Yes. Lunch is provided at the checkpoint. Breakfast and supper locations will depend on your deployment.

  • Net controllers stay at the offices of the Municipality of Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours (bring mattress and sleeping bag etc.).
  • Most operators stay at Papineauville High School (bring mattress and sleeping bag etc.).
  • For operators at CP11 and CP10, for Friday night only accommodation will be at the Gold Dorm - Ecole Polyvalente Curé-Mercure, 700 Boul du Dr Gervais, Mont-Tremblant (St. Jovite) (bring mattress and sleeping bag etc.) Contact your CP leader for details.
  • If you want to book private accommodations, you should do so ASAP. The CSM cannot reimburse you for private accommodations.

Does this site have driving directions posted?

Yes. Go to the Downloads page.

Is there a radio operator's guide available?

Yes. Instructions for operating the commercial rigs are provided on the "CSM 2019 Commercial Radio cheat sheet" on the Downloads page.

Are there any split checkpoints - like CP4?

No. CP4 used to have the "ins" and "outs" at 2 different locations. None of the checkpoints in 2019 are split.

What the heck is CP4a?

There is a safety point (SP4) in section 4 half way between CP4 and CP5. Section 4 is one of the longest, and the CSM treats the safety point as a quasi-checkpoint that might require additional supplies or food. It has a variety of names: SP4 (safety point 4), WP4 (water point 4), and CP4a (checkpoint 4a). SP4 will have a health&safety team but will not have an OPS radio.

How many checkpoints are numbered "6"?

This is slightly confusing.

  • On Saturday, the trail ends at CP6a (often just called CP6) near Ecole St. Michel in Montebello. There will be a radio and operator at CP6a.
    • Some skiers will stop at Gold Camp. Gold Camp is about 1km north of Montebello on highway 323. There will be a radio and operator at Gold Camp.
  • On Sunday, the start is at CP6 which is located about 50m from the Gold Camp. There will be a radio and operator there.

Look at the Section 6 and 5 Maps for details.

How will the radio equipment be installed?

As of Jan 25, the plan is:

  • Each CP has 2 radios and 2 antennas - one for safety and one for ops.
  • The radio equipment for a checkpoint will be transported to and from the CP in the cube van.
  • The antennas will be mounted on the cube van by the CP staff. ALL the antennas are omni - no aiming required.
  • Safety and ops will each have their own antenna.
  • The radios will be installed in the operator's car and safety van if they can be parked near enough to the cube van.
    • Note that some CP diagrams show the operator car far from the cube van.
    • If there is no room for the operator car near the cube van, then the radio will be installed in the cube van.
    • The final positioning is up to the CP captain.
  • Radio power will be provided by the cigar lighter in the vehicle.
    • You MUST keep the vehicle running when transmitting to provide sufficient power to the radio.
    • If you are just listening, you do not need to keep the vehicle running.

What happens if the radio equipment has technical problems?

The equipment supplier will have a technician available to fix things during the event. The tech will be mobile following the main flow of skiers. We are asking all hams to bring 2m rigs to use as backup in the case where the commercial equipment is unable to communicate to net control. You should be able to hit local 2m repeaters with a 50 watt rig. You should test your 2m rig while enroute to your checkpoint since it will be your backup if the commercial rig fails for any reason.

Where will net control be located?

Net control will be located at in the offices of the Municipality of Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours, which is close to Montebello. Net control equipment will be set up Friday afternoon, February 8th.

Does net control have internet access?

Yes. High-speed fibre.

What checkpoints do each CP team cover?

Because the event runs over 2 days, each CP team covers 2 CPs, one per day. It is likely, but not certain, that radio operators will work with the same CP teams on both days. The CP team assignments may be altered due to last minute staffing changes.

Checkpoint Pairings for 2019

  • CP 11 & 6 Start - Miller Quarry and Montebello (Denis Marenger-Leader, Mark Collins-2ic) - black
  • CP 10 & 3 Arundel and Lac Carling (Kathryn Lyons-Leader) - green
  • CP 9 & 5 Boileau and Kenauk Sporting Clay (Geneviève Lesperance-Leader) - purple
  • CP 8 & 4 Kenauk Sand Pit and Eau Vive (Étienne Moreau-Leader) - red
  • CP 7 & 2 Kenauk Sporting Clay and Pruuli Farm (Gilbert Lépine-Leader,Sue Lépine-2ic, Jeff Loder) - orange
  • CP 6A & 1 Finish - Ecole Saint Michel Montebello and Parc Barron Lachute (Marie-Josée Peatman-Leader, Richard Séguin-2ic & MC) - blue

Gold Camp (Montebello:Terry Remington-Leader, Ben Orchin) will have radio ops on Saturday ONLY while the Gold skiers are arriving. On Sunday, radio ops at the start at CP6 will also cover GC, which is just 50 meters from the start.

CP 9 and 4 are "Chili checkpoints".

Page last modified on January 26, 2020, at 06:34 PM