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CSM 2021
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CSM 2020 Maps <--- TO BE UPDATED for 2021!

These pages are Archived!

Check version numbers and dates to be sure you have the latest files!! Note that the route may change due to landholder changes, weather, and safety concerns.

The 2021 trail routing will be announced later.

NOTE: There are trail descriptions as well as the maps on the CSM website at but the maps posted here may be more up to date.

  • Each section of the trail is referred to by the LOWER numbered CP at either end of the section. So, for example, the trail between CP4 and CP3 is referred to as section 3.
  • Section 6 and section 5 use most of the same trail in different directions on different days.
    • The road crossings in Sections 6 and 5 BOTH use the Section 5 numbering, as in "RC 5-x".
Page last modified on October 05, 2021, at 09:37 PM