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Event details


Ancaster 2025 Hamfest

Sponsor: Hamilton Amateur Radio Club
Start date: Saturday, September 27, 2025
End date: Saturday, September 27, 2025
Closest town: Ancaster, Ontario
Directions to location: Ancaster Agricultural Fairgrounds.
630 Trinity Road, Ancaster

From Toronto:
QEW to 403 West and turn left on Wilson Exit
Follow Wilson directly to ..highway 52....turn left.
Drive directly to the fairgrounds. Look for the Hamfest signs.
From Niagara:
QEW same as above on Wilson directly to Hamfest.

Vendors will use garage door starting at 7:30 am
Please have exact change.

630 Trinity Road, Ancaster

Latitude 43' - 11" - 25" North Longitude 80' - 02" - 32" West
Opening times: Opening Times:
7:30 am for commercial vendors.
9:00 am for the general public.
Cost: Cost:
Vendor table included with each vendor admission/booking.
$15.00 per table!...
Please book tables early to reserve your preferred table location.
General Public:
Admission...$5.00 each
Talk-in frequency: Long range talk in.....VHF/UHF Use the UHF repeater as primary! 442.525 MHz tone 131.8 Talk in: Hamilton VHF repeater 146.760/146.160 131.8 tone Linked to 442.525 MHz tone 131.8
Description: Hamfest Ancaster Agricultural Fairgrounds.
This is a traditional hamfest with ham radio/electronics retailers in attendance.

There will be no tailgating.

For more info: * Plenty of FREE parking
* Wheel chair drop off area
* Super Prize draws
* 50/50 cash draw
* Over 80 tables available
Email contact:
Date updated: 2025-01-26 11:30:31
Author: Barry Lisoweski

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