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Event details


Kamiah Hamfest

Sponsor: 3 Rivers Amateur Radio Club and Clearwater Valley ARC
Start date: Saturday, April 20, 2024
End date: Saturday, April 20, 2024
Closest town: Kamiah Idaho
Directions to location: From the North: Take U.S. Highway 95 South to Lewiston Idaho, then take Highway 12 East to Kamiah.
From the South: Take U.S. Highway 95 North to Lewiston Idaho, then take Highway 12 East to Kamiah.
From Washington or Montana take Highway 12 to Kamiah Idaho.
American Legion Hall
618 Main Street
Kamiah, Idaho 83536
Opening times: Doors open 0800 - 1500 hours.
Cost: $5.00 entrance cost

Vendor tables are $20.00 per table if you have items to sell.
Talk-in frequency: Repeater frequency: 146.62 with the tone 88.5 or Simplex frequency 146.52
Description: This is an ARRL sanctioned Hamfest. Sell, swap, and buy new and used ham radios and equipment.
Hourly door prize drawings. Raffle tickets will be available at the event for larger prize drawings. Food available for purchase.
ARRL sponsored Exam Testing will be done.
For more info: For more information please contact the 3 Rivers ARC.
We have vendor tables available for you to sell/swap your new/used equipment. Tables are $20.00 each and can go fast. Contact us as soon as possible if you would like a table.
Email contact:
Date updated: 2023-11-14 09:56:19
Author: Don Mabee (KW7DWM)

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